The Spinal Column

The Spinal Column

The Spinal ColumnGood posture is a comfortable, relaxed, balanced state that provides you with energy, poise and stability.  With good posture your head is balanced over your hips, your chin is parallel to the floor, and your pelvis is level. You walk with energy and lightness to your step.  Good posture is essential for physical and mental health.

Poor posture, on the other hand stresses your neck, back, hips, legs, knees and feet- even your brain! !  It causes chronic fatigue, pain, lowered resistance to disease, less lung capacity, headaches, eyestrain, and decreased blood to the brain.  In time, poor posture can lead to loss of heights, due to spine, bone joint and disc degeneration – your movement become stiff and halting, you look older and you age faster.

Please keep in mind that good posture is not a head-and-shoulders-back military stance which stresses the back, shoulders, and neck: nor is slouching which puts 15 times more pressure on your spine.

Spinal nerve stress (vertebral subluxation complex) is a major cause of poor posture.  Doctors of chiropractic are the only professionals trained to locate and correct spinal nerve stress, helping restore health, balance and good posture, energy and healing.

“Better than 90 percent of the energy output of the brain is used in relating to the physical body in its gravitational field.  The more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy is available for thinking, metabolism and healing.”

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